Deputy for Strategic Studies of Lemhannas RI
Prof. Dr. Ir. Reni Mayerni, M.P.
The Deputy for Strategic Studies is an implementer of part of the tasks and functions of Lemhannas RI in the field of strategic studies. The Deputy for Strategic Studies is led by the Deputy.
The Deputy for Strategic Studies has the task of conducting strategic studies on various national and international issues.
In carrying out its tasks, the Deputy for Strategic Studies performs the following functions:
- implementing strategic studies in the fields of geography, demography, and natural resource wealth;
- implementing strategic studies in the fields of ideology, politics, defense, and security;
- implementing strategic studies in the field of economics;
- implementing strategic studies in the fields of social culture, law, science, and technology;
- implementing strategic studies with an international perspective; and
- performing other functions as assigned by the Governor of Lemhannas RI.