Deputy For Strategic Studies Structure

Deputy for Strategic Studies of Lemhannas RI

Prof. Dr. Ir. Reni Mayerni, M.P.


The Deputy for Strategic Studies is an implementer of part of the tasks and functions of Lemhannas RI in the field of strategic studies. The Deputy for Strategic Studies is led by the Deputy.

The Deputy for Strategic Studies has the task of conducting strategic studies on various national and international issues.

In carrying out its tasks, the Deputy for Strategic Studies performs the following functions:

  • implementing strategic studies in the fields of geography, demography, and natural resource wealth;
  • implementing strategic studies in the fields of ideology, politics, defense, and security;
  • implementing strategic studies in the field of economics;
  • implementing strategic studies in the fields of social culture, law, science, and technology;
  • implementing strategic studies with an international perspective; and
  • performing other functions as assigned by the Governor of Lemhannas RI.

Director of Program Development for Strategic Studies, Deputy for Strategic Studies of Lemhannas RI

Brigjen TNI Mohamad Rohadi, S.Sos.


The Directorate of Program and Study Development, abbreviated as Ditprogbangjian, has the task of planning and preparing study program work, reporting on study programs, providing support for study facilities and infrastructure, collecting and analyzing study results, conducting evaluations and developing studies, as well as conducting tracer studies on study results.

In carrying out its tasks, Ditprogbangjian performs the following functions:

  • implementing the planning and preparation of strategic conceptual study work programs related to national resilience;
  • implementing the preparation of support for strategic conceptual study facilities and infrastructure related to national resilience;
  • implementing the preparation of operational reports on strategic conceptual studies related to national resilience;
  • implementing the collection and analysis of study results and tracer studies, as well as following up on study results to the Secretary of State/Secretary of the Cabinet and relevant Ministries;
  • implementing the evaluation and development of strategic conceptual studies related to national resilience;
  • performing other functions in accordance with the policies set by the Deputy for Strategic Studies.

Director of Ideology and Politics, Strategic Studies Department, Deputy for Strategic Studies of Lemhannas RI

Brigjen TNI Aloysius Nugroho Santoso, S.E., M.M.


The Directorate of Ideology and Politics, abbreviated as Ditjianidepol, has the task of coordinating strategic study activities in the fields of ideology, politics, national management systems, and national leadership, including planning, implementation, termination, and the preparation of publication drafts.

In carrying out its tasks, Ditjianidepol performs the following functions:

  • Planning, which includes the review of study topics, the preparation of an Ad Hoc Team, the preparation of Terms of Reference (TOR), the Outline Plan (RGB), and the Budget Plan (RAB);
  • implementing the preparation of support for strategic conceptual study facilities and infrastructure related to national resilience;
  • Implementation, which includes the organization of Focus Group Discussions (FGD), Round Table Discussions (RTD), and visits to study locations;
  • Termination, which includes the preparation of Study Results Summaries, Executive Summaries, and Academic Papers;
  • Preparing publication drafts, which includes the preparation of drafts and final publications.

Director of Economic Studies and Natural Resource Wealth, Deputy for Strategic Studies of Lemhannas RI

Laksma TNI Ocktave Ferdinal, S.T., M.Si.(Han)., CHRMP., CfrA.


The Directorate of Economic Studies and Natural Resource Wealth, abbreviated as Ditjianeko, has the task of coordinating strategic study activities in the fields of economics, geo-economics, and natural resource wealth, including planning, implementation, termination, and the preparation of publication drafts.

In carrying out its tasks, Ditjianeko performs the following functions:

  • Planning, which includes the review of study topics, the preparation of an Ad Hoc Team, the preparation of Terms of Reference (TOR), the Outline Plan (RGB), and the Budget Plan (RAB);
  • implementing the preparation of support for strategic conceptual study facilities and infrastructure related to national resilience;
  • Implementation, which includes organizing Focus Group Discussions (FGD), Round Table Discussions (RTD), and visits to study locations;
  • Termination, which includes preparing Study Results Summaries, Executive Summaries, and Academic Papers;
  • Preparing publication drafts, which includes preparing drafts and final publications.

Director of Social Culture and Demography Studies, Strategic Studies Department, Deputy for Strategic Studies of Lemhannas RI

Brigjen Pol Yusuf Hondawantri Naibaho, S.H., M.Si., M.H.


The Directorate of Social Culture and Demography Studies, abbreviated as Ditjiansosbud, has the task of coordinating strategic study activities in the fields of social culture, demography, law, and human rights, including planning, implementation, termination, and the preparation of publication drafts.

In carrying out its tasks, Ditjiansosbud performs the following functions:

  • Planning, which includes the review of study topics, the preparation of an Ad Hoc Team, the preparation of Terms of Reference (TOR), the Outline Plan (RGB), and the Budget Plan (RAB);
  • implementing the preparation of support for strategic conceptual study facilities and infrastructure related to national resilience;
  • Implementation, which includes organizing Focus Group Discussions (FGD), Round Table Discussions (RTD), and visits to study locations;
  • Termination, which includes preparing Study Results Summaries, Executive Summaries, and Academic Papers;
  • Preparing publication drafts, which includes preparing drafts and final publications.

Director of Defense, Security, and Geography Studies, Deputy for Strategic Studies of Lemhannas RI

Marsma TNI Rolland Dulista G. Waha


The Directorate of Defense, Security, and Geography Studies, abbreviated as Ditjianhankam, has the task of coordinating strategic study activities in the fields of defense and security, geography, national insight, national vigilance, and national resilience, including planning, implementation, termination, and the preparation of publication drafts.

In carrying out its tasks, Ditjianhankam performs the following functions:

  • Planning, which includes the review of study topics, the preparation of an Ad Hoc Team, the preparation of Terms of Reference (TOR), the Outline Plan (RGB), and the Budget Plan (RAB);
  • implementing the preparation of support for strategic conceptual study facilities and infrastructure related to national resilience;
  • Implementation, which includes organizing Focus Group Discussions (FGD), Round Table Discussions (RTD), and visits to study locations;
  • Termination, which includes preparing Study Results Summaries, Executive Summaries, and Academic Papers;
  • Preparing publication drafts, which includes preparing drafts and final publications.