Deputy for Reinforcement of National Values of Lemhannas RI
Mayjen TNI Rido Hermawan, M.Sc.
The Deputy for Reinforcement of National Values is an implementing element of some of the duties and functions of Lemhannas RI in the field of reinforcing national values. The Deputy for Reinforcement of National Values is led by the Deputy.
The Deputy for Reinforcement of National Values is tasked with organizing the reinforcement of national values and conducting activities in the fields of training, guidance, and socialization of national values.
In carrying out its duties, the Deputy for Reinforcement of National Values performs the following functions:
- Providing guidance and supervision in the field of reinforcing national values;
- Developing and planning character enhancement in the context of reinforcing national values;
- Implementing the reinforcement of national values and training for trainers;
- Socializing the reinforcement of national values;
- Collaborating in the reinforcement of national values; and
- Carrying out other functions assigned by the Governor of Lemhannas RI.