Secretariat Structure

Head of the Planning Bureau of Settama Lemhannas RI

Laksma TNI Trismawan Djonisajoko, S.E., M.M., M.Tr.Opsla.


The Planning Bureau, abbreviated as Roren, has the duty to carry out budget planning, monitoring and evaluation of budget programs, organizational management, procedures, and facilitate bureaucratic reform within Lemhannas RI.

In carrying out the duties as referred to, the Planning Bureau performs the following functions:

  • Execution of strategic planning and budget planning affairs;
  • Execution of monitoring and evaluation of budget programs, analysis, evaluation, and monitoring of budget implementation, as well as preparing reports on program and budget implementation;
  • Execution of organizational management and procedures;
  • Execution of facilitating bureaucratic reform management; and
  • Execution of professional development in planning, monitoring, analysis, and evaluation of programs and budgets.

Head of the General Bureau of Settama Lemhannas RI

Brigjen Pol Drs. I Gede Mega Suparwitha, M.Si.


The General Bureau, abbreviated as Roum, has the duty to manage human resources, finance, housekeeping, logistics, public services, and administrative tasks.

In carrying out the aforementioned duties, the General Bureau performs the following functions:

  • Management of human resources affairs;
  • Management of financial affairs;
  • Management of logistics, procurement, equipment, inventory of state-owned assets, and office facility maintenance;
  • Administration of administrative services, archiving, and duplication.

Head of the Public Relations Bureau of Settama Lemhannas RI

Brigjen TNI Mirza Agus, S.I.P.


The Public Relations Bureau, abbreviated as Rohumas, has the duty to carry out public information and publication, information and documentation management, protocol services, coverage, and library management.

In carrying out the aforementioned duties, the Public Relations Bureau performs the following functions:

  • Management of information and documentation within Lemhannas RI, providing information request services, and managing the PPID website;
  • Carrying out publication and publication facilitation, as well as institutional relations facilitation;
  • Providing protocol services, including leadership and institutional activities, as well as coverage activities within Lemhannas RI;
  • Management of the Library.

Head of the Cooperation and Legal Bureau of Settama Lemhannas RI

Brigjen TNI (Mar) Raja Erjan H.S. Girsang, S.E., M.M., M.Sc.


The Cooperation and Legal Bureau, abbreviated as Rokerma, has the duty to carry out the development of domestic and international cooperation, education selection and alumni management, as well as legal affairs within Lemhannas RI.

In carrying out the aforementioned duties, the Cooperation and Legal Bureau performs the following functions:

  • Managing domestic cooperation affairs, undergraduate and postgraduate education programs, as well as the administration of selection for education candidates and alumni data;
  • Managing international cooperation affairs;
  • Managing legal affairs and legislation.

Head of the Telematics Bureau of Settama Lemhannas RI

Marsma TNI Wachid Alchamdani Z.


The Telematics Bureau, abbreviated as Rotelematika, has the duty to carry out communication and electronics activities, development, integration, and standardization of information systems, as well as network security.

In carrying out the aforementioned duties, the Telematics Bureau performs the following functions:

  • Carrying out the design, construction, development, and maintenance of communication and electronics systems as well as Information Technology infrastructure;
  • Carrying out the design, construction, development, maintenance, integration, and standardization of Information Systems, including data collection and processing;
  • Designing, constructing, developing, maintaining, securing, and standardizing communication networks;
  • Managing the development of functional computer technician positions;
  • Carrying out the evaluation and preparation of program implementation results.