Deputy For National Values Enhancement Structure

Deputy for Reinforcement of National Values of Lemhannas RI

Mayjen TNI Rido Hermawan, M.Sc.


The Deputy for Reinforcement of National Values is an implementing element of some of the duties and functions of Lemhannas RI in the field of reinforcing national values. The Deputy for Reinforcement of National Values is led by the Deputy.

The Deputy for Reinforcement of National Values is tasked with organizing the reinforcement of national values and conducting activities in the fields of training, guidance, and socialization of national values.

In carrying out its duties, the Deputy for Reinforcement of National Values performs the following functions:

  • Providing guidance and supervision in the field of reinforcing national values;
  • Developing and planning character enhancement in the context of reinforcing national values;
  • Implementing the reinforcement of national values and training for trainers;
  • Socializing the reinforcement of national values;
  • Collaborating in the reinforcement of national values; and
  • Carrying out other functions assigned by the Governor of Lemhannas RI.

Director of Planning and Development for the Reinforcement of National Values, Deputy for National Values Reinforcement, Lemhannas RI

Masnelli, S.H., M.Sc.


The Directorate of Planning and Development for the Reinforcement of National Values, abbreviated as Ditrenbangtaplai, is tasked with program planning, cooperation, impact evaluation, and the development of syllabi/curricula and teaching materials for the reinforcement of national values.

In carrying out its duties, Ditrenbangtaplai performs the following functions:

  • Carrying out the preparation and formulation of work program plans for all activities of Debidtaplaikbs;
  • Carrying out the preparation and formulation of internal and external cooperation programs with stakeholders, including government, private sector, and other social institutions;
  • Carrying out the preparation and formulation of impact evaluations and the development of syllabi/curricula, teaching materials, and the main reference book for the reinforcement of national values.

Director of Guidance and Implementation for the Reinforcement of National Values, Deputy for National Values Reinforcement, Lemhannas RI

Laksma TNI Eddy Tarjono, M.Tr.Opsla.


The Directorate of Guidance and Implementation for the Reinforcement of National Values, abbreviated as Ditbinlakstaplai, is tasked with guiding and implementing the reinforcement of national values.

In carrying out its duties, Ditbinlakstaplai performs the following functions:

  • Carrying out operational tasks for the reinforcement of national values in accordance with the control and operational mechanisms of national values reinforcement;
  • Conducting guidance for training participants, assisted by several resource persons, to create a conducive environment in activities for reinforcing national values, ensuring they are easily understood and conducted in a pleasant atmosphere;
  • Providing administrative and logistical support for guidance and the reinforcement of national values.

Director of Training for Trainers in the Reinforcement of National Values, Deputy for National Values Reinforcement, Lemhannas RI

Marsma TNI Stevanus Ervin S., S.T.


The Directorate of Training for Trainers in the Reinforcement of National Values, abbreviated as Dit PUP Taplai, is tasked with conducting training for trainers in the reinforcement of national values as agents of change for reinforcing national values.

In carrying out its duties, Dit PUP performs the following functions:

  • Carrying out operational training tasks for trainers in the reinforcement of national values as agents of change, including selecting speakers/resource persons in accordance with the control and operational mechanisms for reinforcing national values;
  • Providing guidance to participants in the reinforcement of national values, assisted by several resource persons, to create a conducive environment so that training for trainers in the reinforcement of national values is easily understood and conducted in a pleasant atmosphere;
  • Providing administrative and logistical support for training for trainers in the reinforcement of national values.

Director of Socialization and Media for the Reinforcement of National Values, Deputy for National Values Reinforcement, Lemhannas RI

Brigjen Pol Drs. Erfan Prasetyo


The Directorate of Socialization and Media for the Reinforcement of National Values, abbreviated as Ditsosmedtaplai, is tasked with conducting socialization and dissemination of activities for the reinforcement of national values through print and electronic media in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

In carrying out its duties, Ditsosmedtaplai performs the following functions:

  • Conducting operational socialization tasks in the form of dialogues, discussions, and talk shows about national values in accordance with the control and operational mechanisms for reinforcing national values;
  • Conducting dissemination tasks for activities related to the reinforcement of national values through print and electronic media;
  • Organizing the development and support of infrastructure, facilities, and resources for activities related to the reinforcement, training for trainers, and socialization of national values in accordance with the applicable control and operational mechanisms for reinforcing national values.