Commemorating the 53rd Anniversary of KORPRI, Lemhannas RI Organizes a Leadership Sharing Session for Civil Servants (ASN)

News & Article Wednesday, 13 November 2024, 03:20

We hope that today's activity will generate additional spirit for all of us, especially for the civil servants (ASN) to improve productivity and dedication to the nation and state, said the Governor of Lemhannas RI, Dr. H. TB. Ace Hasan Syadzily, M.Si., during the Leadership Sharing Session for Civil Servants (ASN): Building Innovative, Creative, and Contributive Civil Servants in the Digital Era, held at the Gadjah Mada Auditorium on Wednesday (13/11). This activity is part of the series of events for the 53rd Anniversary of KORPRI in the Lemhannas RI environment.

The Chairman of the KORPRI Board in the Lemhannas RI environment, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bondan Tiara Sofyan, M.Si., in his report, mentioned that the activity featured two speakers: Dr. H. Cris Kuntadi, S.E., M.M., CA, CPA, QIA, FCMA, CGMA, CIPSASq, CFrA, ASEAN CPA, Ak, the recipient of the 2018 Adhigana Award for Inspirational ASN, and Jaya Setiawan Gulo, the recipient of the 2019 Adhigana Award for Inspirational ASN.

This activity is expected to serve as a medium for sharing knowledge, experiences, motivating participants, inspiring ideas, building relationships, increasing contributions, and fostering innovation among the participants, which will have a positive impact, said the Chairman of the KORPRI Board in the Lemhannas RI environment, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bondan Tiara Sofyan, M.Si.

On this occasion, the Governor of Lemhannas RI stated that the civil servants (ASN) at Lemhannas RI play a crucial role in ensuring that national resilience and the strength of the national ideology remain embedded in the hearts and minds of the Indonesian people. Therefore, the ASN at Lemhannas RI must work diligently and be innovative, creative, and contributive.

According to the Governor of Lemhannas RI, the theme raised is very appropriate. In the current digital era, civil servants are required to be more adaptive to technological changes and advancements. If the civil servants or all the components within Lemhannas RI do not have the ability to adapt to various changes, including advances in Artificial Intelligence, how can we effectively educate the nation's future leaders? said the Governor of Lemhannas RI.

Therefore, the Governor of Lemhannas RI emphasized that all participants should absorb the knowledge shared by the speakers so that it can improve the performance of Lemhannas RI's personnel. I hope you all actively participate in this event, and I hope it brings benefits to each of you, concluded the Governor of Lemhannas RI.

Let us push ourselves to learn, said Dr. H. Cris Kuntadi, S.E., M.M., CA, CPA, QIA, FCMA, CGMA, CIPSASq, CFrA, ASEAN CPA, Ak, the recipient of the 2018 Adhigana Award for Inspirational ASN. Furthermore, Dr. H. Cris Kuntadi, S.E., M.M., CA, CPA, QIA, FCMA, CGMA, CIPSASq, CFrA, ASEAN CPA, Ak stated that to become a leader, one must be willing to take risks, have courage, be able to make decisions, and leave a good legacy.

Further, Dr. H. Cris Kuntadi, S.E., M.M., CA, CPA, QIA, FCMA, CGMA, CIPSASq, CFrA, ASEAN CPA, Ak mentioned four important steps in building leadership. These steps include proper planning, moral integrity, broad perspectives, and being an agent of change.

In line with Dr. H. Cris Kuntadi, S.E., M.M., CA, CPA, QIA, FCMA, CGMA, CIPSASq, CFrA, ASEAN CPA, Ak, Jaya Setiawan Gulo, the recipient of the 2019 Adhigana Award for Inspirational ASN, mentioned that building ASN leadership requires collaboration between hardskill and softskill. Therefore, it is essential for civil servants to continually sharpen both hardskill and softskill.

Furthermore, Jaya Setiawan Gulo stated that becoming a civil servant is a step toward transforming the face of bureaucracy. Becoming a civil servant for me is more than just a career. Service comes first, and then the career will follow, said Jaya Setiawan Gulo. (NA/CHP)


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