The Governor of Lemhannas RI Emphasizes the Importance of Synergy in Achieving the Institution’s Goals

News & Article Monday, 13 January 2025, 12:00

All personnel of the National Resilience Institute of the Republic of Indonesia (Lemhannas RI) participated in the Leadership Briefing by the Governor of Lemhannas RI for the Beginning of the 2025 Fiscal Year, held at the Gadjah Mada Auditorium on Monday (13/1). This event served as a platform for the leadership of Lemhannas RI to connect with all personnel in order to begin the 2025 work year.

“I would like to express my deepest thanks and appreciation for the dedication and service that you all have provided,” said the Governor of Lemhannas RI, Dr. H. TB. Ace Hasan Syadzily, M.Si. This was an expression of the Governor’s appreciation for the achievements and accomplishments made by Lemhannas RI in 2024. Among the notable achievements were a budget absorption rate of 99.33%, reflecting the efficient and accountable use of funds.

Other achievements included a Bureaucratic Reform Assessment Indicator of 72.03; an Informative Qualification with a ranking of 12th in the Central Information Commission’s Informative Assessment; a “Clean Opinion Without Exception” (WTP) for the 2023 Financial Management Audit; an Integrity Assessment score of 81.26, surpassing the national target; and a good category with a score of 64.07 for the Government Performance Accounting System (SAKIP) evaluation.

However, Lemhannas RI must not become complacent. The institution carries great hopes and expectations from the public. Lemhannas RI is seen as an independent agency capable of connecting and catalyzing the communication and examination of national issues. Therefore, Lemhannas RI is expected to further enhance its role in strengthening Indonesia's national resilience.

In light of this, the Governor of Lemhannas RI called on all personnel to prepare and realize the 2025 work programs for Lemhannas RI. In the education sector, Lemhannas RI will host PPRA 68 and PPSA 25 in 2025. The Governor emphasized that Lemhannas RI’s education is designed to integrate various national components, both civilian and military, and therefore requires curriculum structuring that produces leaders with competence and integrity.

In the strategic studies sector, four long-term study topics have been set for 2025, which include geopolitics and its impact on national resilience; food security and downstreaming; superior human resources in Indonesia; and the system of democracy and politics. The studies are expected to provide comprehensive recommendations for the government.

In the national values strengthening sector, training for elected regional heads will be conducted. The Governor of Lemhannas RI urged that the curriculum be designed according to the needs and ensure that the desired outcomes are achieved. In addition to providing training for elected regional heads, Lemhannas RI will also strengthen its connection with the public through the “Lemhannas Goes to Campus” program. This is a step towards engaging all elements of society to achieve the First of the Eight Cita (Goals), which is to strengthen the Pancasila Ideology, Democracy, and Human Rights.

In the national resilience measurement sector, the importance of ensuring that the data produced is valid and accurate was emphasized, as it serves as a reference for policy formulation. Lemhannas RI will also collaborate with various parties in gathering static data. In the management support sector, the Governor highlighted four main points: budget governance; institutional governance; Lemhannas RI work programs; and the formation of the National Resilience Certification Institute (LSP Ketahanan Nasional).

Concluding his remarks, the Governor of Lemhannas RI expressed his hope that the various activities and tasks ahead could be carried out through collaboration and synergy among all personnel, ensuring that they are well-coordinated. Therefore, all personnel of Lemhannas RI must unite and give their best efforts in carrying out their duties and service at Lemhannas RI. "No organization can achieve its goals without strong cooperation within the organization," the Governor of Lemhannas RI concluded. (NA/CHP)


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