Lemhannas RI and the Indonesian Air Force Strengthen Collaboration and Cooperation.

News & Article Thursday, 28 November 2024, 08:24

The Governor of Lemhannas RI, Dr. H. TB. Ace Hasan Syadzily, M.Si., visited the Indonesian Air Force Headquarters on Thursday, November 28, 2024. The visit was warmly welcomed by the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Air Force, Air Marshal TNI M. Tonny Harjono, S.E., M.M.

During the visit, discussions were held regarding the role of Lemhannas RI in organizing national-level leadership education. Highlighting the current situation, understanding geopolitics, geostrategy, and geo-economics is crucial for national leaders. In connection with this, the Governor of Lemhannas RI and the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Air Force also discussed the development of Indonesian Air Force personnel.

The meeting also addressed the dynamics of geopolitics as a result of tensions from competition between major countries. Various issues at the international level undoubtedly affect regional and national conditions. Based on this, the Governor of Lemhannas RI believes that all components of the nation need to strengthen their unity as a mitigation strategy in facing potential geopolitical instability that may continue to evolve.

The Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Air Force welcomed the visit with open arms. The Indonesian Air Force is committed to continuing to build collaboration with Lemhannas RI. It is hoped that the planned cooperation and collaboration between Lemhannas RI and the Air Force Headquarters will result in strong national resilience.

Also present accompanying the Governor of Lemhannas RI during the visit were: the Deputy Governor of Lemhannas RI, Lt. Gen. TNI Eko Margiyono, M.A.; the Chief Secretary of Lemhannas RI, Police Commissioner General Drs. R.Z. Panca Putra S., M.Si.; the Deputy for National Leadership Education of Lemhannas RI, Air Marshal TNI Andi Heru Wahyudi; the Deputy for Strengthening National Values of Lemhannas RI, Major General TNI Rido Hermawan, M.Sc.; the Expert Staff for Ideology Studies of Lemhannas RI, Air Marshal TNI Palito Sitorus, S.I.P., M.M.; and the Head of the Public Relations Bureau of Lemhannas RI, Brigadier General TNI Dani Wardhana, S.Sos., M.M., M.Han.


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