Lemhannas RI PPRA 64 Alumni Return to Alma Mater
News & Article Thursday, 13 February 2025, 15:00The Governor of the National Resilience Institute of the Republic of Indonesia (Lemhannas RI) Dr. H. TB. Ace Hasan Syadzily, M. Si. received representatives of the Alumni of the 64th Regular Education Program (PPRA) of Lemhannas RI in the Nusantara 2 Room on Wednesday (8/1). The PPRA 64 Alumni delegation was led by Dr. Heru Dewanto.
In the meeting, the PPRA 64 Alumni conveyed three things of concern. First, regarding the consolidation of democracy. The PPRA 64 Alumni view that democracy is already underway, but substantive democracy is still a work in progress. Therefore, the consolidation of democracy still needs to be strengthened.
Second is about economic consolidation. According to the PPRA 64 Alumni, economic consolidation will be difficult to achieve without democratic consolidation. Today, Indonesia is the country with the fourth largest workforce in the world. To utilize this workforce into a productive workforce, it is necessary to align the capabilities possessed by the workforce with the form of work and the form of economy that Indonesia will build.
Third, namely the orchestration of government. The PPRA 64 Alumni view that the orchestration of government needs special attention so that synergy can be established completely and the public feels the government moving in one clear direction.
The Governor of Lemhannas RI welcomed the discussion. According to the Governor of Lemhannas RI, there are many ideas that can be elaborated related to the three issues that have been conveyed by Dr. Heru Dewanto as the leader of the delegation. Responding to the first issue, the Governor of Lemhannas RI said that the consolidation of democracy has become one of the issues that will be studied by Lemhannas RI in 2025 and will be one of the themes in the implementation of PPRA 68.
"The effort to study our democratic system, a prosperous democracy, not a democracy that can divide the nation and is not efficient, which makes us not qualified," said the Governor of Lemhannas RI. Furthermore, the Governor of Lemhannas RI emphasized that democracy is not a goal, but a tool in which the people are sovereign as stipulated in the constitution. The direction of democracy is to create prosperity.
Regarding the second issue, the Governor of Lemhannas RI explained that Lemhannas RI is currently preparing a study related to downstreaming that supports economic growth. In the study prepared, Lemhannas RI found that downstreaming is very effective in certain commodities, but in other commodities it is not necessarily the same effectiveness. "We are also studying food and energy security as part of downstreaming, as a framework for national resilience," said the Governor of Lemhannas RI.
Regarding the last issue, the Governor of Lemhannas RI assessed that it is too early to assess the current government's performance. However, so far the Red and White Cabinet government has worked with collaboration and synergy. This collaboration and synergy is not only at the central level, but will also be carried out at the regional level. Therefore, Lemhannas RI will provide consolidation for elected regional heads so that a mutual understanding of perception is created in developing the country.
"In a democratic system like today, it is not uncommon for regions to think regionally and the center to think ego-sectorally. Therefore, Lemhannas unites them in one common conception, namely our national interest," said the Governor of Lemhannas RI.
Ending the audience, the Governor of Lemhannas RI conveyed to IKAL 64 that Lemhannas RI is always open to alumni. It is hoped that the collaboration between IKAL 64 and Lemhannas RI can continue to be established to contribute to the progress of the nation. "We, in principle, must be inclusive, open our eyes and minds to various inputs because our openness to open our eyes and minds from various parties will have a positive impact on the progress of the nation," concluded the Governor of Lemhannas RI.
Also present at the audience were the Deputy Governor of Lemhannas RI, Lieutenant General TNI Eko Margiyono, and the Deputy for National Level Leadership Education of Lemhannas RI, Air Marshal TNI Andi Heru Wahyudi. (NA/CHP)