Lemhannas Governor of Indonesia Provides Tanoto Scholars with Inspirational Material on Future Leadership
News & Article Friday, 07 February 2025, 17:00
The Governor of Lemhannas RI, Dr. H. TB. Ace Hasan Syadzily, M.Si., had the opportunity to provide an inspirational briefing for beneficiaries of the 2025 Educational Transformation to Create Future Leaders (TELADAN) program of the Tanoto Foundation at the Tanoto Foundation Office, Jakarta, on Friday (7/2). At the event, the Tanoto Foundation held a welcoming and inauguration session for 204 new student beneficiaries of the 2025 TELADAN program.
The event was opened directly by the Country Head of the Tanoto Foundation Indonesia, Inge Kusuma. In her speech, Inge Kusuma said that the 2025 TELADAN program of the Tanoto Foundation is a program to prepare future leaders who not only have intellectual intelligence, but also have strong character and can contribute magnetic things to the nation.
In addition to scholarships, Tanoto Scholars (program beneficiaries) will also be given leadership skills, hard skills and soft skills, as well as emotional quotient (EQ) to help navigate life problems, make decisions, and build empathy. Inge Kusuma also hopes that Tanoto Scholars can spread kindness and make the best use of the opportunities they receive to achieve their goals. "Congratulations on studying and starting this extraordinary journey. May your journey as Tanoto Scholars be full of valuable experiences and we look forward to more success stories in the future," concluded Inge Kusuma.
The event continued with an inspirational briefing by the Governor of Lemhannas RI. On this occasion, the Governor of Lemhannas RI said that the world's challenges are currently experiencing very rapid and complex dynamics, both global, national and regional.
The Governor of Lemhannas RI said that the competition that is happening in the world today is not only political and economic, but also technological. The rapid technological changes that occur require the nation's readiness to adapt to technology and carry out digital transformation.
Highlighting this, Indonesia has great potential with a demographic bonus that will reach its peak in the next few years. In line with this, the demographic bonus will be an advantage if Indonesia is able to manage the quality of its human resources well.
"I want to remind you, plan from now on what dreams we want to build," said the Governor of Lemhannas RI. The Governor of Lemhannas RI said, if we are able to build superior human resources, then be in a good leadership position and be able to become productive human beings, then the mission to realize a Golden Indonesia 2045 can be achieved.
"I am very happy that building our demographic bonus is not only the task of the government. What the Tanoto Foundation has done by providing scholarships for the nation's best sons and daughters is something extraordinary," concluded the Governor of Lemhannas RI.
In addition to technology, the Governor of Lemhannas RI also hopes that Tanoto Scholars can maintain national values amidst the increasingly rapid flow of globalization. Rapid market changes and global crises as well as competition between countries are other challenges that must be faced. The Governor of Lemhannas RI said that multinational collaboration is the key to facing these challenges.
At the end of his briefing, the Governor of Lemhannas RI conveyed that in the concept of future leadership, a leader is required to be visionary, adaptive, and innovative. Moreover, future leadership also emphasizes collaboration and team empowerment. "Collaboration from visionary, adaptive and innovative leaders is the key to the future," he concluded.
In the event, a symbolic signing of a future leader development contract was carried out through the exemplary program between the Tanoto Foundation and representatives of Tanoto Scholars from the Exemplary Program.
Present at the event were the Acting Director of Learning and Student Affairs, Kemendikti Saintek Dr. Berry Juliandi, S.Si., M.Si., Senior Advisor of the Tanoto Foundation Ari Gudadi, RGE Corporate L&D Head Fonny Lomanorek, Head of Policy and Advocacy of the Tanoto Foundation Eddy Henry, and Head of Leadership Development and Scholarship of the Tanoto Foundation Michael Susanto. (SP/CHP)