Lemhannas RI Holds First Leadership Meeting of Fiscal Year 2025

News & Article Thursday, 13 February 2025, 17:00

The National Resilience Institute of the Republic of Indonesia held its first Leadership Meeting for the 2025 fiscal year, discussing the evaluation of the 2024 work program and policy directions for the 2025 work program, held in the Constitution Room, Trigatra Building, Lemhannas RI, on Monday (1/13).

The Governor of Lemhannas RI, Dr. H. TB. Ace Hasan Syadzily, M.Si., said that the leadership meeting (rapim) is a very important activity because it will evaluate the activities that have been carried out. The Governor of Lemhannas RI emphasized that Lemhannas RI must be able to improve its performance so that the target achievements in 2025 can be realized.

Regarding the policy direction and work achievement targets for 2025, the Governor of Lemhannas RI emphasized that all programs at Lemhannas RI, including, among others, education for the preparation of cadres and consolidation of national-level leaders, strategic studies of various national, regional, and international issues, strengthening the values of nationality, and measuring the national resilience index, must support the achievement of Asta Cita, which is the program of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto. "Lemhannas must be directed to ensure that Asta Cita can be realized in the next 5 years," said the Governor of Lemhannas RI.

Furthermore, the Governor of Lemhannas RI conveyed that seeing the current geopolitical situation, this poses a challenge that is not easy to face. It was also conveyed that domestic stability also needs strong support.

Therefore, Lemhannas RI plays a very important role in ensuring that various policies under the government of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, and the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, in 2025 can be achieved optimally. In line with this, the Governor of Lemhannas RI conveyed the importance of continuing to upgrade the development of global dynamics.

One of the most important tasks at Lemhannas RI is the education for the preparation of national-level leadership cadres. In preparing these cadres, Lemhannas RI education participants must be directed and given an understanding of Asta Cita. "I believe, ladies and gentlemen, if we want to persistently translate Asta Cita as well as possible, then the effort to realize a Golden Indonesia 2045 can be achieved," said the Governor of Lemhannas RI.

Regarding downstreaming, the Governor of Lemhannas RI also conveyed that this is very important. Downstreaming can run well if it is supported by good resources. In line with this, the government has formed a Downstreaming Task Force. Therefore, Lemhannas RI will also provide strategic input regarding downstreaming policies, because the government wants to increase economic growth to 8%, one of which is through downstreaming, also increasing job growth to boost the economy.

The Governor of Lemhannas RI hopes for management support from his staff to support the main activities of Lemhannas RI. Regarding the National Resilience Laboratory (Labkurtannas), the Governor of Lemhannas RI also hopes that in the future it can convey to the public about the results of Labkurtannas so that it can become a recommendation for regions.

The event continued with the presentation of material by the Director of Politics and Communication of the National Development Planning Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, Nuzula Anggraini, S.Stp., M.PS., M.URP. On this occasion, Nuzula Anggraini conveyed the framework of the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) which has the term development trisula. The development trisula means the integrity and synchronization between the direction of long-term development that must be guarded from the RPJMN with the President's programs in the first stage of the RPJMN, namely sustainable high growth, quality reduction, and quality human resources. "These three keywords are the corridor for the priority programs of the 2025 to 2029 RPJMN," said Nuzula.

Furthermore, Nuzula conveyed the framework of National Priority (PN) 1, namely Strengthening Pancasila Ideology, Democracy, and Human Rights. PN 1 has Priority Program 1 (PP 1), namely Strengthening Pancasila Ideology, National Insight, and National Resilience. Lemhannas will contribute to Priority Activity (KP) 2 (Implementation of the National Movement WE ARE BROTHERS) and the indicator manager at KP3 (improving the quality of leadership cadres from the central to regional levels).

Furthermore, Nuzula explained the details of the activity structure of the WE ARE BROTHERS National Movement which is under PP 1. In KP 2, it will be carried out in three development programs. Lemhannas RI will be a contributing institution that will carry out the strengthening of national values and national insight dialogue.

Then, in KP 3, Nuzula said that Lemhannas RI will be the leading sector to become a contributor that can improve the quality of leaders at the central to regional levels by organizing education for the preparation and consolidation of national leaders and Training of Trainers (ToT) of national values.

As the indicator manager for PN1-PP1-KP3, it was conveyed that Lemhannas RI needs to include these indicators as performance indicators in the Lemhannas 2025-2029 strategic plan (Renstra). It was also emphasized by Nuzula that in connection with the assignment of Lemhannas as the indicator manager for "Performance of central and regional level leaders in fostering national resilience", it is hoped that Lemhannas will immediately prepare an operational definition (concept/definition, interpretation, method/formula for calculation, variables and data sources, publication of indicator availability, estimation level, frequency of data presentation, and others) for the indicator.

Present at the occasion were Lemhannas RI officials, Deputy Governor of Lemhannas RI Lieutenant General TNI Eko Margiyono, Main Secretary of Lemhannas RI Police Commissioner General Drs. R. Z. Panca Putra S., M.Si., Deputy for National Level Leadership Education Major General TNI Andi Heru Wahyudi, Deputy for Strategic Studies of Lemhannas RI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Reni Mayerni, M.P., Deputy for Strengthening National Values of Lemhannas RI Major General TNI Rido Hermawan, M.Sc., Inspectorate of Lemhannas RI Brigadier General Police Yun Imanullah, S.I.K., Head of Planning Bureau Rear Admiral TNI Trismawan Djonisajoko, S.E., M.M., M.Tr.Opsla., Head of General Bureau Brigadier General Police Drs. I Gede Mega Suparwitha, M.Si., Head of Public Relations Bureau Brigadier General TNI Mirza Agus, Head of Cooperation and Law Bureau Brigadier General TNI (Mar) Raja Erjan H.S. Girsang, S.E., M.M., M.Sc., Head of Telematics Bureau Air Marshal TNI Wachid Alchamdani Z. and Head of Laboratory Center Air Marshal TNI Suroto, S.T., M.A.P. (SP/CHP)
